Palanhar Payment Status Check Online at by Bhamashah Number or Application ID

The Palanhar Payment Status Check is a beneficial tool in the Palanhar Yojana that helps support orphan children and others in Rajasthan who are under foster care. In this scheme, guardians or foster parents are provided with financial assistance to meet the diverse educational and developmental needs of the children under their care. By providing an online portal to check the status of approved payments, the government is now able to speed up the process, making it transparent and convenient for its caregivers as well. This not only ensures the timeliness of including financial support but also makes it easier for them to monitor and manage funds allocated by ensuring that the benefits are effectively used along with years of age care improvement for children.

About Palanhar Payment

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PurposeTo provide financial assistance to guardians of orphaned children, children of widows, and children with incapacitated or imprisoned parents in Rajasthan.
EligibilityChildren must be residents of Rajasthan, orphaned or living with a single widowed parent, or a parent who is incapacitated or imprisoned.
Payment AmountThe amount varies based on the age of the child and educational needs, with additional allowances for school-related expenses like uniforms and books.
Payment FrequencyPayments are typically disbursed quarterly to ensure continuous support throughout the year.
Disbursement MethodFunds are transferred directly to the guardian’s bank account via Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT), ensuring transparency and reducing delays.
Beneficiary MonitoringRegular checks are conducted to ensure the child is attending school, and the funds are used appropriately for the child’s welfare.
ImpactAims to support the educational and developmental needs of the child, ensuring they grow up in a stable environment and have access to basic life necessities.

The Palanhar Payment System is one of the constituent systems under Rajasthan’s flagship program, “Palanhar Yojana,” to provide financial assistance by way of a monthly stipend for guardians looking after such children. This system ensures that these vulnerable groups have the essential services they need to survive in education and healthcare. Transparency and accountability are bolstered through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT), with payments made directly to the bank accounts of guardians, thus reducing fraud. Assistance amounts fluctuate and include extra stipends for the academic needs of uniforms and books. Children must regularly attend school while receiving assistance in order to be eligible for the program. 

Objectives and Goals

The Palanhar Yojana is designed with several key objectives and goals aimed at supporting the welfare of vulnerable children in Rajasthan. Here are the primary objectives and goals of the Palanhar Payment system:

  1. Child Welfare and Support: The main goal of the Palanhar Yojana is to provide financial assistance to children who are orphaned, whose mother has died, or those widows or widowers imprisoned in jail. Such support is necessary to ensure their livelihood, education, and overall development.
  2. Educational Support: The program must ensure all beneficiary children have access to education. However, through financial support to the students under this scheme for covering boarding and lodging expenses and costs of books, uniforms, and other educational material, episodes of drop-out due to non-availability or insufficiency can be curtailed, thereby promoting regularity in school attendance.
  3. Social Integration: Another goal is to facilitate the social integration of these children as well by putting them in family care rather than with help from an institution. It also maintains emotional and psychological suitability.
  4. Caretaker Empowerment: The money distributed to the guardians results in ensuring that they invest in children to foster a newer family bond and create desirable, conducive home environments.
  5. Transparency and Efficiency: DBT enables transparency of information at all levels, speed in the delivery process, makes it easy for government departments to verify beneficiary eligibility, and provides statements directly, which helps reduce the chances of misappropriation.
  6. Sustained Impact: This is a program where, in the long term, we are trying to ensure that children grow up in an environment that gradually reduces their risk of being trafficked and also nurtures them into well-rounded individuals through education coupled with an enabling atmosphere.

These objectives collectively contribute to a broader vision of nurturing a supportive environment for vulnerable children, ensuring they have the resources needed to grow and succeed.

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Eligible Criteria

Age LimitChildren up to the age of 18 years are eligible, with extensions provided under certain conditions for educational purposes.
ResidencyThe child must be a resident of Rajasthan.
Parental StatusThe child must be orphaned, have a single surviving parent who is widowed, or have parents who are incapacitated or imprisoned.
GuardianshipThe guardian must be a direct relative or a legal guardian appointed by a competent authority.
Income LimitThe guardian’s family income should not exceed a specified limit, ensuring the scheme targets financially needy families.
School AttendanceThe child must be regularly attending school, as confirmed through periodic verification.

Required Document

Document TypePurposeDetails
Birth CertificateTo verify the child’s age and identity.Official birth certificate issued by the government.
Residence ProofTo confirm residency in Rajasthan.Documents such as a utility bill, voter ID, or Aadhaar card showing the Rajasthan address.
Guardian’s ID ProofTo establish the identity of the guardian.Government-issued ID such as Aadhaar card, voter ID, or driver’s license.
Income CertificateTo assess financial need.Certificate issued by a competent authority indicating the family’s annual income.
Death CertificateIf applicable, to confirm orphan status.Death certificate(s) of the parent(s) issued by a government body.
School Attendance RecordTo ensure the child is attending school.Latest school attendance report or certificate from the school verifying regular attendance.
Legal Guardianship CertificateIf the guardian is not the biological parent.Legal document establishing the guardianship issued by a competent court or authority.

Check Palanhar Payment Status Check Online at

To check your Palanhar Payment status online, follow these steps:

  • Open your web browser and go to the official Social Justice and Empowerment website of Rajasthan at
Palanhar Payment Status
  • Locate and click on the ‘Palanhar Yojana’ section, which can usually be found under the ‘Schemes’ or ‘Services’ menu on the homepage.
  • Select the ‘Payment Status’ option from the Palanhar Yojana page.
  • You will be prompted to enter specific details such as the beneficiary ID, Aadhaar number, or the registered mobile number.
  • Enter the required information in the provided fields.
  • Click on the ‘Submit’ or ‘Check Status’ button to proceed.
  • Your Palanhar Payment status will be displayed on the screen, showing the details of the disbursements made, pending amounts, and any other relevant information.
  • For any further inquiries or detailed information, you can also contact the helpline numbers provided on the website.

These steps allow you to easily and efficiently check the status of your Palanhar payments online, ensuring you are up-to-date with all your transactions.


The online Palanhar Payment Status Check is a boon for guardians as well as beneficiaries of the Palanhar Yojana, which enables them to conveniently monitor payment distribution. In turn, this digital tool serves for transparency and directly gives visibility on the financial aid earmarked for orphaned and vulnerable children so that it is then correctly addressed and received in good time. By providing access to real-time payment information, it not only simplifies financial resource management but also builds trust and confidence in the administration of schemes. In the end, this adds to Palanhar Yojana being a powerful tool in catering to the educational and developmental needs of children resident in Rajasthan, adding strength to projects addressing child welfare by the bureaucracy.

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Palanhar Payment Status Contact Details

Contact TypeDetailsPurpose
Phone Number+91-141-2226625For direct inquiries and assistance.
Email Addresssje-rj@nic.inFor sending detailed queries and document submissions.
Physical AddressDirectorate of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, IndiaFor in-person visits and paper correspondence. online applications, status checks, and updates.
Help DeskAvailable at local Social Justice and Empowerment officesFor assistance with applications and information.
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